As white, female owners of this tiny brand that’s so new on this platform, we are struggling with what to say. Some people think we, as a brand, should say nothing.
But silence seems wrong – especially when we feel so much about what is taking place. Some think the company should take a stand. Let people know who we stand with, who we support.
We support Black Lives Matter and what they describe as “the struggle to imagine and create a world free of anti-Blackness.” We also recognize that we need to learn how to move from passive to active support.
Some think we should stay on brand. Our brand is about skincare. It’s about showing love and care to your skin with ingredients that nourish. We say all types of skin and all colors of skin, but what we mean is your type of skin, your color of skin – whoever you are.
Our brand is also about taking a moment to care for your whole self and about making yourself feel good. So, what does that mean if nothing feels very good right now? If the world doesn’t feel very good right now?
Maybe we always thought to be open-minded, tolerant, and accepting was enough. And now, we’re learning that we must support, encourage, and act.
As we move forward — as founders, as a brand, and as a company — we hope you can be patient with us as we learn how to do that.
Avoila co-founders, Grace and Kristy